Q1 What are the factors on which the strength of magnetic field produced by a current carrying solenoid depends?
Q2 State the advantages of electromagnet over a bar magnet.
Q3 What is the importance of magnetism in the medical field?
Q4 Define- 1) Magnetic field 2) Magnetic lines of force
Q5 How can you prove that electricity produces magnetic effect?
Q6 Explain-1) Fleming's left hand rule 2) Right hand thumb rule
Q7 State an activity to prove that a current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field experiences a force.
Q8 What are the similarities between a bar magnet and a current carrying solenoid?
Q9 What are the differences in the construction of a simple motor and a commercial motor?
Q10 What is a commutator? Explain in context of an electric motor.
Q11 What is a magnetic compass needle? How is it useful?
Q12 What effect is produced when current is passed through a circular loop?
Q13 What is a Galvanometer?
Q14 What is electromagnetic induction? How is it related with Fleming's right hand rule?
Q15 What is overloading? When does it occur?
Q16 How many wires are present in a plug? What are their uses?
Q17 Define- 1) Alternating current 2) Direct current
Q18 Explain the construction and working of a DC generator.
1) Submit your copies on Tuesday with Q1-12 of assignment, all inbox questions of NCERT and Q8-12 of back exercise.
2) I'll discuss the problems on Monday.