Take life as it is....... Its better to accept rather than expect

Sunday, June 10, 2012


  • A flat tray (like a cookie baking tray)
  • Food coloring (at least 3 different colors)
  • Whole milk - low fat milk will not work for this experiment
  • Liquid soap used for washing dishes

  • Pour the milk into the tray so that it just covers the bottom
  • Add about 6-8 drops of different colored food coloring 
          onto the milk in different spots
  • Add about 5 drops of the liquid soap onto the drops of 
          food coloring and watch the show!
  • To clean up, simply pour the colored milk down the 
          drain. (don't drink it!)

So you know where the color comes from, but why milk and liquid 
soap? The main job of dish soap it to go after fat and break it down. 
Usually the fat is on dishes from the food we eat, but fat is also in 
whole milk. When you drop the liquid soap onto the tray, it tried to 
break down the fat in the milk. While it was doing that, it caused the 
colors to scatter and mix creating a very colorful display. Have fun! 

The project above is a DEMONSTRATION. To make it a true 
 experiment, you can try to answer these questions:
1. What liquid dish soap works the best?
2. Does the shape of the tray affect the reaction?

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